Part of me thinks its a cruel trick of retailers to put one of the biggest shopping weekends of the year, a day after a holiday where you've just spent hours feasting. Who wants to think about wearing, much less buying skinny jeans. Truth be told, I've never been much of a black friday shopper. Hordes of people scare me on a good day. And, hordes of people stampeding towards disheveled racks of clothing? I might as well be facing an army of zombies.
No, surfing the web while debating whether or not I've waited a socially acceptable amount of time before diving into the leftovers is more my speed. On the off chance you're equally attached to your couch right now, here's some fun reads from around the web:
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- The Wall Street Journal reports that Black Friday sales may not be as "real" you think. Isn't anything just on sale anymore?
- This is a couple of weeks old, but the Huffington Post's article on eight brands with religious affiliations has a few surprises in it. Forever 21? Really? I have no problem with printing bible verses on your shopping bags, but maybe treating your workers fairly or trying to improve labor conditions in Bangladesh would be a better way to express your faith.
- Mashable put together some tips to avoiding scams on Cyber Monday. Most of it seems like stuff you should be doing anyway, but it doesn't hurt to be extra careful this week.
- And, finally, now that Thanksgiving is behind us, it's time for holiday movies! Thanks to Buzzfeed, I now know even more (well 18 things more) about my favorite holiday movie, Elf.