Are you going home for Thanksgiving? Thanks to a grad school schedule, I actually get a whole week off and Mr. C and I are flying out to Tucson to spend a few days with family. This is actually the first thanksgiving that Mr. C and I will not be in DC in nearly 6 years. I'm slightly sad to not be continuing our holiday traditions with our DC "family", but I'm pretty excited about hanging out with my mom and little brother in Tucson. (I hear it might actually be warm there . . . but I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much).
As much as I love the holidays and being with family, I'm not the worlds biggest fan of flying. It's a combination of a fear of heights, some rather unfortunate flying experiences, and that I get really, really bored sitting still for that long. (I'm that person holding on to the person next to me whenever it gets even slightly turbulent. It's better for everyone involved when that's Mr. C) To cope, I try to figure out ways to make flying as pleasant as possible. First up? Vodka. Being comfortable. For me, that means wearing something as close to pajamas as possible. 
The key to wearing leggings without looking either like you've given up on life or you're on your way to yoga is choosing a top that provides the appropriate amount of coverage. I like long cozy sweaters like this one from Madewell, but you if you tend to get hot on planes, you could just as easily throw on a simple white T and a long chambray shirt. Just make sure to bring a pashmina in case it gets chilly and to add a pop of color.
I like to wear cute sneakers when I travel. First because they're easy to slip on and off when you're going through security. Unlike with flats, you can wear socks with them so you're not standing barefoot in the TSA line (I've done that and I try not to think about everyone else's feet). Plus, it's easy to dash through the airport if you're making a tight connection.
And of course you need a great travel bag (I like this one from Kate Spade Saturday). After the airlines lost my luggage on three trips in a row, I try to make sure I have a few of the essentials in my carry-on, so I need a bag that's roomy enough for all that and can fit everything I need to remain entertained for a whole flight.
What are those essentials?
1. a memory foam neck pillow (don't hate until you've tried it, you'll never go back)
2. Ipad mini (need I say more?). For this trip, my ipad is full of episodes of Arrow
3. One of my classmates introduced me to Maybelline's Baby Lips and it's perfect for combatting that airplane dehydration.
4. Hand sanitizer: I always travel with hand sanitizer. The last thing you want is to pick up something nasty that will ruin your thanksgiving plans.
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So that's how I cope with traveling. What are your tips?
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