Thursday, June 6, 2013

Hello World!

Hey world!  No, I haven't disappeared under a pile of boxes and clothes, though that almost happen.  Somehow I thought that moving + working + unpacking + social life (all while Mr C was on work trips) = lots of time to write blog posts (obvi!) . . . Yeah, not so much. Throw in an epic battle with a daddy long legs in our new apartment and any hope of typing of blog posts went out the window.

But . . . the mound of boxes has slowly disappeared, the scary daddy long legs was vanquished and I can finally breathe again.  Not much has happened in terms of analyzing my closet (although it took a lot to not indulge in some retail therapy after said daddy long legs battle).  BUT, my life hasn't been a complete black hole lately . . . for one thing, consigning happened!!!!

I decided to go through Current Boutique in DC.  First Partly, because it is only a few minutes from our old apartment (and our new one actually).  And, let's not kid ourselves my upper body strength is non-existent not sufficient to carry all my stuff more than a couple of blocks.  More importantly, I really like that they donate clothes that don't sell within 90 days to charity.  They also donate any items you bring in that they decide not  to accept.  So, either way your clothes are going to a good cause. 

To be honest, I was a little nervous about consigning.  What if my clothes weren't cool enough? What if they laughed at the fact that I had three of the same shirt, just in different colors?  But, once I got over myself this, it was surprisingly easy.

All you had to do was fill out their form with information on each item and drop your items off.  That's it.  No judgement (at least not to your face).  And you don't even have to stay while they go through your clothes.  Then, in 90 days you can check in to see what sold and they'll send you a check.  It was a little time consuming to fill out the form--mostly because I had 47 items to drop off--but thankfully all of the information they asked for was data I was already collecting for this project.  My one complaint was that their form can't be filled out electronically.  Given that my handwriting has been described as "worse than a doctors" or a "childish scrawl", this wasn't going to work for me.  Soooooo, I just created my own form, using their fields (nerd alert!) . . . I'm pretty sure they laughed at me a little when I brought that in, but I probably deserved it.

Next post will talk about what those 47 items I consigned looked like.  I'd say to check back later in the week, but with my track record of late, I don't want to make any promises . . .

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